The Implementation of Archive Storage for Enhanced Document Retrieval at PT Kusuma Satria Dinasasri Wisatajaya Batu, Indonesia

  • Shinta Maharani Politeknik Negeri Malang
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Keywords: Archives; Saving, Rediscovery.


This study aims to analyze the implementation of archive storage to make it easier to archieves rediscovery at Human Resources Department of PT Kusuma Satria Dinasasri Wisatajaya Batu. The approach taken is qualitative by using data collection methods of observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of research conducted at Human Resources Department of PT Kusuma Satria Dinasasri Wisatajaya Batu it can be concluded that archive storage activities that have been carried out in general have not been optimal as evidenced by the existence of several problems such as a lack of understanding and supervision of archives, no procedure for borrowing archives, archives are always increasing and limited Human Resources which results in employees taking a long time to rediscover an archive. The difficulty in rediscovery an archive has a great impact on carrying out a job. Suggestions that can be given are archiving employees must understand more about how important an archive is and how important it is to organize archives, and filing system. Companies must also make an Record Retention Schedule (RRS) to avoid accumulation, archives will increase continuously if they don't implement Record Retention Schedule (RRS), the archive storage space is insufficient and create a system of procedures for borrowing records and the borrowing period. A monitoring system for archives is also very necessary so that archive storage is maintained and properly structured.
