I will put the dimension here
The cultivation system using hydroponics is now widely popular among the community because it does not require large areas of land. Using the hydroponic system results in faster and optimal harvests. However, the busy activities of urban communities often cause them to fail in implementing it due to constraints in controlling and monitoring hydroponic plants. Additionally, PLN electricity is essential for operating the water pump, and the electricity load and tariff increases, along with sudden blackouts, significantly impact business actors. To address this problem, this research creates an Internet of Things (IoT)-based water monitoring system for ACONE Hydroponics partners with solar panel (PLTS) energy sources as an alternative energy in the event of a sudden PLN power outage. The sensors used in this system include the HCR-04 ultrasonic sensor to monitor water availability and the water flow sensor to measure water flow (discharge). Sensor data is processed by the ESP32 microcontroller and sent to the Blynk cloud platform via an internet connection and displayed on an LCD. System testing shows that the system can send sensor data to the cloud platform stably and in real-time. Data visualization on the cloud platform is easy to understand and helps hydroponic owners monitor water conditions in hydroponic systems. This water monitoring system can help users optimize water use in hydroponic systems.
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