Vertical Take Off Landing (VTOL) Untuk Drop Kits Pada Quadcopter
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A structure due to natural disasters often occurs in Indonesia, and this is caused by the location of Indonesia in the path of earthquakes and volcanoes. Logistics delivery in the form of medicines and food has been hampered, and this is acknowledged by the Indonesian government, which experienced many obstacles when it had to reach an isolated location due to land transportation lines being cut off. So it was designed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or drone that can deliver survival kits to some places that are isolated due to natural disasters autonomously. Flight orders will be made through the Mission Planner software, which is then sent to the drone using 433 MHz telemetries. Survival kits carried by drones will be dropped using a servo to a predetermined location. The work of Vertical Take-Off Landing (VTOL) for Drop Kits has successfully carried out a mission to deliver survival kits to 4 different locations in one flight. By using the 433 MHz Telemetry, the drone can travel a maximum distance of 120 meters in 5 minutes 10 seconds with a 9 Ah battery capacity.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ridho Hendra Yoga Perdana, Mochammad Junus, Junaedi Adi Prasetyo
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