Simulasi Sistem Transfer Daya Nirkabel Berbasis Kopling Magnetik
I will put the dimension here
Technological developments require the development of wireless power transfer systems. From the various types of technology, magnetic coupling-based wireless power transfer system is one of the most widely used technologies. This research was conducted to study and design a magnetic coupling based wireless power transfer system circuit using the Proteus 8 simulation software. This wireless power transfer system consists of a transceiver, an inductive coil, and a power receiver. Experiments have been carried out and a wireless power transfer system using inductive coupling can produce power readings in the receiver coil circuit. The measured voltage value on the receiver coil in real (not ideal) conditions indicates power losses of at least 17.1296% due to electromagnetic interference. However, this magnetic coupling based wireless power transfer system can provide charging flexibility so that it remains attractive for application in various technologies.
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