Desain Robot Pengintai Segala Medan dengan Kendali Wireless PS2
I will put the dimension here
A mobile robots is one of the solution to overcome the deficiency of security surveillance camera systems that are static in nature, which are vulnerable to blind spots on the results of their observations. In this research, the surveillance robot is made to resemble the shape of a mars rover robot that is applied to be able to move more freely to stalk areas and be able to navigate on uneven surfaces. The movement of the surveillance robot wheel uses a wireless PS 2 remote control and is driven by a DC motor rotation as its main drive. The connection between the PS2 Remote Control and the surveillance robot is by using the Arduino Uno. In addition, this robot will be equipped with a camera that will send visual surveillance results from the robot to the smartphone.
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Dewi T., Risma P., and Oktarina Y., 2020, Fruit Sorting Robot based on Color and Size for an Agricultural Product Packaging System, Bulletin of Electrical Engineering, and Informatics (BEEI), 9(4), pp. 1438-1445. doi: 10.11591/eei.v9i4.2353.
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Oktarina Y., Dewi T., and Risma T., 2020, The Concept of Automatic Transport System Utilizing Weight Sensor, Computer Engineering and Application Journal, 9(2), pp. 155-163. doi:10.18495/COMENGAPP.V0I0.339
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Dewi T., Oktarina Y., Risma P., and Kartini S., 2019, Desain Robot Pengikut Manusia Sederhana dengan Fuzzy Logic Controller, Proc. Annual Research Seminar (ARS), 5(1), pp. 12-16, 16 Nov 2019, Palembang: Indonesia.
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Dewi T., Wijanarko Y., Risma P., and Oktarina Y., 2018, Fuzzy Logic Controller Design for Leader-Follower Robot Navigation, 5th Proc. EECSI, 5(1), pp. 298-303. 16-18 Oct 2018, Malang : Indonesia. doi:10.1109/EECSI.2018.8752696.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Mayastri Devana, Tresna Dewi, Nyayu Latifah Husni, Pola Risma, Yurni Oktarina

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