Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy <p align="justify">The <strong>Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy (JAMERE)</strong> at is a blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the publication of quality research results in the field of Mechanical Engineering and Technological Innovation. Articles published in the JAMERE Journal include original scientific research results (top priority), while for scientific review articles that are new (not top priority) and also comments that are critical of the results of scientific papers published by the JAMERE journal. All publications in the JAMERE journal are open access that allows articles to be freely available online without subscribing to anything.</p> en-US (Tineke Saroinsong) (Muh Anhar) Fri, 02 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Pengaruh Suhu, Injection Time dan Backpressure Terhadap Cacat Penyusutan Pada Produk Flange <p>Haspel or often called cable reel is the item or tool needed to roll the cable. Usually this cable reel is made of wood. However, over time this haspel has changed, especially in the material used, which is made of plastic or polypropyelene (PP) material. This haspel consists of several components including: Flange and barrel reinforced using steel rods. All these components will be assembled and ready for sale. When assembled, the flange components must require a fairly good precision because the material used is plastic, the shrinkage factor plays a very important role when printed with an injection molding machine. At the time of assembling the plastic haspel, there was a failure when the raft product was too tight and there was also a loose raft, this was due to shrinkage in the flange which caused the barrel component to not fit into the router part of the flange. This makes the assembly work a little longer than usual. In this final project, the author takes steps on how to analyze shrinkage defects in plastic materials, especially for polypropylene materials, starting from the injection molding process and then taking product samples with different levels of testing through parameter settings. Different injection times and backpressures will result in different product sizes and shrinkage values. A good melting temperature value is used for polypropylene material with a flange thickness of 6 mm, and a flange diameter of 850 mm ranging from 210°C - 230°C. Shrinkage defects in polypropylene materials certainly exist, and may be greater than polystyrene materials but can be minimized by setting good process parameters. A good and ideal shrinkage value and according to standards occurs at a temperature setting of 220°C backpressure 0.2 Mpa with an injection time of 20 seconds. With constant parameters, starting from the injection speed of 60 mm/s. Injection pressure 18 Mpa and cooling time 250 seconds.</p> YudhI Chandra Dwiaji, Iwan Muklas, Abdul Halim Copyright (c) 2024 Yudhi Chandra Dwiaji1, Iwan Muklas2, Abdul Halim3 Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Kekasaran Mesin Bubut Konvensional dan CNC TU-2A Dengan Rpm 1500 Menggunakan Poros Aluminium <p>Conventional and CNC lathes are one of the numerical components as a production machine for manufacturing purposes that the industry relies on. To get the level of smoothness of a surface plays a very important role in the planning of a machine component, especially concerning the problem of friction, wear, resistance to fatigue as well as for surface roughness is closely related to the function of the component The manufacture of components does not merely have to have a small or smooth roughness value, but must also be in accordance with the functions and requests of the designer. TU 2A CNC lathe has a smaller roughness value (smoother) than the turning results using a conventional lathe. This is evidenced from the results of roughness testing where the smallest roughness value of the TU 2A CNC lathe is 1.27 µm and the smallest roughness value of the conventional lathe is 1.38 µm while the largest roughness value of the TU 2A CNC lathe is 2.68 µm and the surface roughness value for conventional lathes is 2.71 µm. The surface roughness class of the results of this study is in N6 to N8</p> Rusdin, Muhammad Iswar Copyright (c) 2024 Rusdin, Muhammad Iswar Tue, 30 Jan 2024 09:39:13 +0000 Comparative Study of Composites from Fiberglass and Palm Fiber for Body in Energy Saving Car Contest <p><em>Composite is a new engineering material whose main constituent consists of two or more materials. The combination of these materials will obtain better mechanical properties. Apart from that, making composites also has a relatively cheaper price when compared to other materials, especially metal materials. In this research, we created and carried out a comparative analysis of composites between fiberglass (woven roving) and palm fiber which were applied to the prototype body of the Energy Saving Car Contest. The composite manufacturing process in this research uses matrix material (resin), catalyst, fiberglass and palm fiber using the hand lay up method. The variations used in making composites are variations in the number of layers for fiberglass fiber (2 and 3 layers), and palm fiber using 2 and 3 layers with vertical, horizontal and random fiber directions. The results obtained for tensile strength testing obtained the highest value, namely 109.1 MPa (3 layers of woven roofing). Meanwhile, the highest bending test value was obtained at 4.52 MPa (3 layers of woven roofing). In testing composites based on the fiber direction, the highest tensile strength and bending values were obtained for specimens with 3 layers of random fiber direction, namely 11.1 and 1.18 MPa.</em></p> Abdul Hamid, Ilham Yoanda, Auliana Diah Wilujeng, Misbakhul Fatah Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Hamid, Ilham Yoanda, Auliana Diah Wilujeng, Misbakhul Fatah Tue, 30 Jan 2024 10:43:41 +0000 Analysis Of The Influence Of Preheating Temperatures Of 125˚C, 150˚C And 200˚C Metal Casting Results On The Occurrency Of Hot Tearing Using 6061 Alumunium Material <p><em>The aluminum casting industry has experienced a lot of innovation and creativity to maintain its existence. Metal casting is a process by which hot molten metal is poured into a mold containing hollow pieces or cavities of the desired finished shape. The process of casting with a permanent mold is preheating the casting mold before the casting process is carried out. This is done so that the temperature of the casting mold increases, so that the difference between the temperature of the mold and the temperature of the aluminum to be poured is not too great. This study aims to overcome or prevent hot tearing by increasing the preheating temperature in the mold. The test results show that the preheating temperature of 200ºC does not experience shrinkage in the metal casting results. Whereas at preheating temperatures of 125ºC and 150ºC there are hot tearing defects and there is shrinkage. whereas at the preheating temperature variation of 200ºC there are only shrinkage defects. The results of the vickers hardness test showed that the higher the preheating temperature, the hardness value of the casting product will increase. The highest vickers hardness value was obtained at the 200°C preheating temperature variation of 69.55 HV, while at the 150°C preheating temperature variation, the vickers hardness value was 68.51 HV. and at a variation of the preheating temperature of 125ºC, the vickers hardness value is 67.04 HV. The results obtained from metallographic testing are aluminum 6061. Judging from the microstructure at the 200</em><em>℃</em><em> preheating variation, the dentite grains look smaller than the 125</em><em>℃</em><em> preheating variation and the 150</em><em>℃</em><em> preheating variation. It can be concluded that the higher the preheating temperature, the better the denrite density.</em></p> Emin Haris, Leo Van Gunawan, Muhammad Luthfi, Abdul Rakhman Copyright (c) 2024 Emin Haris , Leo Van Gunawan, Muhammad Luthfi , Abdul Rakhman Fri, 02 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation Of Total Productive Maintenance To Optimize Machine Availability At PT. ATMI SOLO <p>Optimal productivity needs to be supported by the availability of machines that are always ready to produce. The condition that needs to be maintained is that the machine does not stop frequently due to damage and causes the continuity of production to be hampered. According to the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM), the level of machine availability (availability) is said to be ideal when it exceeds 90%. At PT. ATMI Solo, 23.8% of 21 CNC machines still have availability percentage below 90%, namely Salvagnini S4 punching machine (69%), Starrag CF100 milling machine (79%), Trubend 3180 bending machine (82%), milling machine YCM TV 158B (82%), and Trumatic TC 200 R punching machine (89%).The main factor is the low availability of machines at PT. ATMI Solo is high machine downtime due to a breakdown. Therefore, it is necessary to implement Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) to optimize the availability of these machines. The implementation of TPM is Training and Education, Autonomous Maintenance, Planned Maintenance, and TPM in Administration (TPM in Administration), especially in the spare part Logistics section. The implementation of the TPM succeeded in increasing the availability percentage above 90% (based on data from the 2022 General Maintenance Daily Report), namely the Salvagnini S4 punching machine (94.13%), Starrag CF100 milling machine (96.36%), Trubend 3180 bending machine (99, 70%), YCM TV 158B milling machine (99.97%), and Trumatic TC 200 R punching machine (99.88%).</p> Darsini Darsini, Yonatan Aditya Prabantara Copyright (c) 2024 Darsini Darsini, Yonatan Aditya Prabantara Fri, 02 Feb 2024 12:33:38 +0000 HD785-7 Dump Truck Damage Analysis Using the Pareto Method, FMEA and SCAT <p>PT Saptaindra Sejati (SIS) is a company currently known as a company engaged in mining <em>Service</em>s. Companies are required to meet predetermined production targets to meet production targets must be supported by good production unit performance. This research discusses the damage to the Dump Truck HD785-7 production unit which causes a decrease in performance so that the company's productivity is not optimal. To reduce or prevent the failure of the HD785-7 Dump Truck, it is necessary to implement an improvement in good operation and maintenance. The methods used to overcome the poor performance of production units are Pareto method, Failure Mode and Effect Analyze (FMEA) and Systematic Cause Analysis Technique (SCAT). With the Pareto method to create a bar graph based on the number of events. The FMEA method of failure that occurs can be identified to prioritize. The SCAT method is to be able to analyze the system failure of several sub-systems, the levels below and to see the failure of components. From the results of data processing, it is known that there are 3 defects that have the greatest influence on the performance of the low power 03 damage unit with RPN 360, damage to work lights with RPN 216 and engine damage cannot be started with RPN 189.</p> Darsini Darsini, Galih Susanto Copyright (c) 2024 Darsini Darsini, Galih Susanto Fri, 02 Feb 2024 12:52:34 +0000 Pengaruh Variasi Arus Pengelasan SMAW (60, 80 Ampere) Terhadap Kekerasan Logam Las Dan Haz Material Baja ST 37) <p style="text-align: justify;">This research aims to determine the effect of welding current on the hardness of weld metal and HAZ (heat affected zone) metal which is tested for hardness using the Rockwell method. This research was carried out on ST 37 low carbon steel material which was welded using an E6013 electrode with a diameter of 2.6 mm with a butt joint, then given different welding currents, namely 60, 80, Ampere. For the raw hardness of the low carbon steel material, the average figures were obtained. the average is 48.35 HRB. Specimens that were welded with a current of 60 Ampere had an average weld metal hardness figure of 46.85 HRB and a HAZ of 49.15 HRB. For specimens that were given a welding current of 80 Ampere, the average hardness of the weld metal obtained was 47.05 HRB and the HAZ was 50.3 HRB. The test results show that the increase in hardness numbers in both the weld metal and the HAZ metal is directly proportional to the amount of current used when welding</p> Soni Hestukoro, Melvin B.H. Sitorus, Aulia Salman Copyright (c) 2024 Soni Hestukoro, Melvin B.H. Sitorus, Aulia Salman Fri, 02 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000