Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology 2024-05-13T10:56:36+00:00 Yuhefizar Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><em><strong>Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology (JACEIT) </strong></em>merupakan jurnal ilmiah <em>blind peer-review</em> yang didedikasikan untuk publikasi hasil penelitian di bidang Teknik Sipil Terapan dan Teknologi Infrastruktur. Semua publikasi di jurnal JACEIT bersifat akses terbuka yang memungkinkan artikel tersedia secara bebas online tanpa berlangganan apapun. <strong>JACEIT</strong> terbit sejak Agustus 2020 dengan ISSN Online <a title="EISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2723-5378</a>, SK LIPI Nomor. 0005.27235378/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2020.08 Tanggal 6 Agustus 2020. JACEIT diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun yaitu Bulan Agustus dan Desember. Kami terima artikel dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris. Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh <strong><a title="ISAS" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Indonesian Society of Applied Science (ISAS)</a>. </strong>Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi RI No.<strong> <a title="SK Akreditasi JACEIT SINTA 4" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">72/E/KPT/2024</a></strong> tentang peringkat akreditasi jurnal ilmiah periode I tahun 2024, bahwa JACEIT telah terakreditasi <strong>SINTA 4. </strong>JACEIT memiliki DOI:&nbsp;<br><strong><em>Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology </em>(JACEIT) </strong>merupakan jurnal ilmiah dengan ruang lingkup bidang struktur, manajemen konstruksi, geoteknik, hidroteknik, material maju, pemetaan/geomatika/sistem informasi geografis, teknik lingkungan, transportasi dan rekayasa teknologi infrastruktur. Jurnal ini merupakan kumpulan artikel terkait Teknologi Rekayasa Konstruksi Bangunan Ketekniksipilan dan penerapan dalam pembangunan infrastruktur meliputi bangunan gedung, bendungan, bendung, waduk, irigasi, drainase, bangunan sungai/rawa, bangunan konservasi air dan tanah, serta sarana transportasi pada jalan raya, jalan bebas hambatan, jalan kereta api, jembatan, banda udara dan pelabuhan serta penerapan teknologi multidisiplin lainnya yang relevan.</p> Analysis of Types of Flexible Pavement Damage Using the Pavement Condition Index Method 2024-02-29T22:15:59+00:00 Dicky Novianto Rulhendri Nurul Chayati <p>Roads are land transportation infrastructure that is very important in facilitating economic relations and other social activities. If road damage occurs, it will not only result in the obstruction of other economic and social activities but can also cause accidents for road users. The aim of this research is to explain the types of damage to the surface layer of flexible pavement and to find out the index value of the pavement condition index for Jalan Kreteg-Lebak Jaya based on the PCI (Pavement Condition Index) method so that the results can be used in preparing road maintenance programs. The results of this research in segment 1 showed 4 types of damage, namely edge cracks, patches, holes, weathering, and loose granules, with a PCI value of 22, very poor pavement conditions using this type of treatment. reconstruction/recycling. In segment 2, there were 4 types of damage, namely edge cracks, patches, holes, weathering, and loose granules with a PCI value of 26 in poor pavement conditions using the type of reconstruction or recycling treatment. In segment 3, there were 3 types of damage: holes, slip cracks, weathering, and loose granules with a PCI value of 46. Fair pavement conditions using reconstruction or recycling treatment in segment 4, there were 4 types of damage, namely crocodile skin cracks, edge cracks, holes, weathering, and loose granules, with a PCI value of 29 for poor pavement conditions using the type of reconstruction or recycling treatment.</p> 2024-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dicky Novianto, Rulhendri, Nurul Chayati Studi Penentuan Tarif untuk Buy the Service Trans Pakuan Koridor 1 dengan Metode Ability to Pay dan Willingness to Pay 2024-02-29T22:35:02+00:00 Ahmad Kafa Adani Tedy Murtejo Nurul Chayati <p>Minat masyarakat Kota Bogor menggunakan layanan transportasi massal BisKita Trans Pakuan semakin meningkat, ditandai dengan terus meningkatnya load faktor pada bulan September 2022 sudah sampai 101%. Besarnya load faktor membuktikan bahwa masyarakat Kota Bogor masih percaya terhadap angkutan umum. Wali Kota Bogor Bima Arya Sugiarto mengatakan, Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek (BPTJ) Kementerian Perhubungan telah meminta Pemerintah Kota Bogor untuk melakukan kajian <em>Ability to Pay</em> (ATP) dan <em>Willingness to Pay</em> (WTP) sebelum menetapkan tarif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode <em>Ability to Pay</em> (ATP) dan <em>Willingness to Pay</em> (WTP) yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik pengguna BTS Trans pakuan koridor 1 dan menganalisis tarif berdasarkan analisis ATP dan WTP. Hasil analisis ATP dan WTP menunjukan bahwa analisis penentuan tarif BTS Trans Pakuan koridor 1 dengan metode <em>Ability to Pay</em> (ATP) dan <em>Willingness to Pay</em> (WTP) didapat nilai ATP sebesar Rp3.920 dan nilai WTP sebesar Rp4.155, dimana hasil ATP&lt;WTP. Hal ini memungkinkan terjadi bagi pengguna yang mempunyai penghasilan relatif rendah tetapi utilitas terhadap jasa tersebut sangat tinggi, sehingga keinginan pengguna untuk membayar jasa tersebut cenderung lebih dipengaruhi oleh utilitas. Untuk penetapan tarif yang layak untuk saat ini adalah sebesar Rp4.038. Survei nilai <em>headway</em> rata-rata adalah 6,54 menit, dimana hasil tersebut telah sesuai dengan standar penilaian ideal 5-10 menit. Prioritas paling tinggi dalam pelayanan Biskita Trans Pakuan koridor 1 adalah aspek keteraturan, diikuti dengan aspek kenyamanan.</p> 2024-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Kafa Adani, Tedy Murtejo, Nurul Chayati Evaluasi Response Time Transportation Emergency dalam Bencana Kebakaran di Kecamatan Bogor Tengah 2024-02-29T22:15:58+00:00 Adrianto Fahrizal Nugraha Tedy Murtedjo Alimuddin <p><em>Bogor City spans 11,138 hectares with a population density of 9,548.00 people/km². The densest population resides in Central Bogor District, impacting fire risk. Over 2019-2022, there were 296 fire incidents, 15% occurring in Central Bogor District. The study aims to assess emergency car response times during fires in this district. Using qualitative descriptive methods, interviews and analysis per PERMENDAGRI Regulation No. 114 of 2018 were employed. Central Bogor District falls within the Emergency Management Zone (WMK) in Sukasari, Yasmin, and Cibuluh sectors due to being within a 7.5 km radius reachable within &lt;15 minutes. The response time rate hit 100% out of 12 incidents in 2022, aligning with PERMENDAGRI Regulation No. 114 of 2018. Average speed is 60-80 km/h, dropping to 40 km/h during congestion. Sectors have efficient night routes. DISHUB's road network performance evaluation reveals V/C ratios of 0.54 and 0.48 (holidays) on Jl. Brigjen Saptadji Hadiprawira, Yasmin (holidays), and Jl. Raya Padjajaran 2, Sukasari. Cibuluh sector remains unaffected, enabling early fire disaster management.</em></p> 2024-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adrianto Fahrizal Nugraha, Tedy Murtedjo, Alimuddin Studi Perencanaan Fasilitas Integrasi Moda Pada Terminal Baranangsiang Kota Bogor 2024-02-29T22:15:58+00:00 Risma Amalia Fajar Tedy Murtedjo Rulhendri <p><em>Transportation mode shift is a node that connects various public transportation into a network. If switching between these modes of transportation can be designed to be easier, faster, and more convenient, then the integration and flexibility of the network as a whole will increase. This study aims to evaluate, analyze and then plan the needs of modal integration facilities based on SPM. identify the condition of existing modal integration facilities at the current terminal, analyze the level of willingness, satisfaction and interest according to the perceptions of transport passengers towards the existing modal integration facilities at Baranangsiang Terminal, and obtain values from respondents on modal integration facilities that are needed or have not been fulfilled at Baranangsiang Terminal Bogor city. This study uses a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The results of this study are that the Bogor City Baranangsiang Terminal from January to June 2023 has reached 13,490 passengers, which on average reaches 2,248 people per day. Based on the aspect of satisfaction seen from the willingness of respondents to fill out the questionnaire, it was found that the lowest level of satisfaction was pedestrian facilities, lighting, trash cans, the presence of bicycle lanes, disability lanes and signs in the terminal. This aspect of interest is considered very important for terminal users.</em></p> 2024-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Risma Amalia Fajar, Tedy Murtedjo, Rulhendri Inovasi Beton Ramah Lingkungan Dengan Pemanfaatan Limbah Kaca dan Plastik PET 2024-02-29T22:15:58+00:00 Deni Ramadhan Ismail Wahyudi Alfiana Afiah Gusti Putu Febri Arcana Muhammad Rizky Kelik Istanto <p><em>Nowadays, the use items made from glass and plastic has increased, causing accumulation. One of them is Bakung landfill in Bandar Lampung which accommodates 1,000 tons per day. Accumulating glass and plastic waste has caused various environmental problems. This research was carried out as form of technological innovation and effort to preserve environment due to this waste. The research purpose is finding environmentally friendly concrete formula by substituting glass waste and PET plastic but have characteristics that comply with SNI standards. Each material that makes up the concrete is tested for its characteristics so that normal concrete mix design can be carried out. Glass waste and PET plastic are substituted at 10%, 15%, and 25% into coarse and fine aggregate formulations in normal concrete formula, thereby creating variations in test specimen. The concrete sample has made in cube with dimensions of 15 x 15 x 15 cm. Concrete compressive strength tests were carried out at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Compressive results strength test showed that variations in substitute materials in concrete have effect on resulting compressive strength. Concrete test results with 10% and 15% substitution have compressive strength values ​​that was close to each other and higher than 25% substitution. Even though the two compositions have close compressive strength values, they have different standard deviations. The standard deviation values ​​for 10% and 15% substitution have 35.9913 and 23.1299. So, concrete with 15% substitution composition was the most optimal composition because it showed most dominant advantage among others.</em></p> 2024-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Deni Ramadhan, Ismail Wahyudi, Alfiana Afiah, Gusti Putu Febri Arcana, Muhammad Rizky, Kelik Istanto Daur Ulang Limbah Plastik Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) dan Abu Terbang (Fly Ash) Menjadi Paving Block 2024-05-13T10:56:36+00:00 Vina Lestari Riyandini Hendri Sawir Syukri Ilham <p><em>Plastic waste that was disposed of carelessly into the environment causes side effects, namely for groundwater, and was difficult for the soil to decompose, even for hundreds of years. Meanwhile, fly ash has the potential to pollute rivers and seas which were the center of life for coastal communities. Therefore efforts were made to utilize this waste, one of which was in the manufacture of paving blocks. Paving block was a means of transportation that was commonly used in road pavements. This study aims to utilize PET and fly ash plastic waste and determine whether the resulting paving blocks meet standards. This study used a simple method, namely heating PET plastic using a paint-fired gas stove mixing fly ash, and then molding it with the composition of each material, namely 0,5 kg (plastic): 1,5 kg (fly ash), 1 kg (plastic): 1 kg (fly ash), and 1,5 kg (plastic): 0,5 kg (fly ash). The resulting paving blocks were tested for quality according to SNI 03-0691-1996 standards. </em><em>Based on the research results, the best paving block was obtained with a mixture composition of 1 kg (plastic): 1 kg (fly ash) which has a compressive strength value that almost meets the standard, which was 8.30 MPa and a water absorption capacity of 15.20 %.</em></p> 2024-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Vina Lestari Riyandini, Hendri Sawir, Syukri Ilham