Makna Laba Dalam Perspektif “Pemulung” Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Kawatuna
I will put the dimension here
This study aims to reveal the meaning of profit in the perspective of scavengers. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach to find out the meaning of profit for scavengers, to find out through interviews and in exploring in depth the individual's perspective on the phenomenon raised. The results of the study revealed that scavengers see several dimensions, namely the social dimension, the psychological dimension and the spiritual dimension which interpret it as profit forming profit forming scavenger self-love, Profit forming scavenger self-defense, Scavenger Emergency Fund Savings and Profit: The Foundation of Family Needs.
Keywords: meaning of profit, scavenger, self-love, self-defense, family needs
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Copyright (c) 2024 Aprilia Cristin Yansen Mongi, Sugianto Sugianto, Ernawati Usman, Abdul Kahar

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